Ladies Night Out – Male Revue at the Arena Nightclub in Nashua
This a quick story about my first male revue show in New Hampshire. Things are quiet where I live so we don’t see this stuff much. Enjoy!
A testimonial from Amy – Bedford, NH
Not long ago I’d never encountered a genuine young ladies’ night out. Of course, in college the girls and I did our rounds of socializing at different fraternities. On 2 different occasions I event went on spring break to Cancun and then Las Vegas. But even then back in my youth I “checked in” with my other half, I guess I was more into him than anything. At the time my heart really wasn’t into the whole “just us gals” thing.

But this time was different. Really different. One of my friendly aquaintances was given 4 free passes to see MEN DANCE. Well ok more specificly, it was an All Male Revue show at the Arena Nightclub in Nashua. So she invited me to come with her and another friend. Even the shock of the question effected my psyche. Honestly, I was really interested. Call it a blend of curiousity and interest?
I really wondered how it would feel to go out with the girls since it had been so long since I’ve done girls night out. I’m just used to doing the couples thing… Well anyways it was no big deal! I was kind of excited to see what these male dancers were all about.
So we planned for me to drive since my car can fit everyone comfortably. My friend Sue and Kathy jumped in when I arrived at Sue’s place. I had to say we all laughed. To our pleasant surprise we had all gone to the bank that morning and picked up $50 in singles each, just so we could place dollar bills in the male dancers underwear. So funny!
We came from the Bedford, NH area so it took about 20 minutes to get there. Upon arriving to the Arena nightclub we noticed several other nightclubs and restaurants in the area. There is a huge parking lot right next door so the parking was great.
At the door the staff was basically friendly. Right where you walk in there is a huge bar, restaurant, tv screens and pool tables. We were told to go into the back room where there was an additional nightclub. It was setup like an arena from the days of the gladiators and had more of a “club” feel to it. Nice place; clean bathrooms, good setup for seating.
So the revue show was about to start. We grabbed 3 martinis and sat down by the bar. It’s a big room but not an overly big one so you can see the male strippers on stage from pretty much anywhere.
So the show began. There was one MC that started a show. This HUNK was pretty big, apparently from Boston… Pretty sexy guy. Then after a brief monologue, 3 other guys came out and they did a group male stripping routine. It was cute.
Then the first stripper was announced. He came out in a sharp flashy outfit and wow, those were some pretty interesting moves. Now keep in mind I didn’t know what to expect, so I wasn’t sure if it was gonna be like a chippendales show like in Las Vegas or a gropey show. Anyways the guys went into the crowd and gave some bump and grind but I have to say it was pretty funny. The girls were yelling like crazy!
Then came the next dancer dressed as a cop announcing that we going to pat the birthday girl on stage down for drugs and paraphernalia, OMG that was hilarious. He even picked her up softly and spun her through the air. Good stuff.
Now the 3rd… It was the MC himself. That was a shocker but then again it wasn’t. I liked him the best with his “raining men” routine. It kinda made me re-live the movie “Magic Mike”. Being a Channing Tatum fan that was really fun.
Then at the end it was a pleasant surprise. They all came out together and did a 2 minute routine. The girls were yelling and jumping up and down. The last 15 minutes of the show all the girls were out of their seats and dancing around with their drinks in one hand and dollar bills in the other.
I must say when I tipped the MC (my favorite) I had ulterior intentions, I wanted the guy all for myself. But I guess I had to share with the girls. He was just too adorable.
So with some reflection on the night, I can see how an occasional “gurls night out” can be kinda healthy. I’ve heard that no-guys-allowed time is valuable so now I can live to attest it. Love my man as I do, I wasn’t hoping he would magically appear during the night. Just being around other women and having us catered to was a breath of fresh air. I’m not saying that male strippers at the Arena are the answer, but I did have a blast with the girls!
Come to an All Male Revue in New Hampshire, Male Revue NH.
The Men in Motion male revue performs at the Arena nightclub (formerly the Amber Room) on a regular basis in New Hampshire. For more information or tickets, go to our calendar page.
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