Over the years our company has seen a lot of requests. If you want a male stripper for the holidays we can have one show up in a holiday theme.

Ladies ask about booking a male stripping santa stripper in or near the Boston, Massachusetts area as a stripping santa. We have a couple of young strapping hunks that can do your christmas party. We also have an old male stripper that dresses up as santa and will do your show!
The Men in Motion male strippers do shows every weekend in Boston, MA. Men in Motion also sends out sexy male strippers for private parties in all of New England.
Looking for a santa stripper for a holiday party on Dec 13, 2014. It’s also a close friends’ 25th birthday so we want to do something special.
If you send us an email through our contact page at https://meninmotiondancers.com/index.php?option=com_breezingforms&view=form&Itemid=173.
We have Stripping Santas in our pool of talent (mostly in the Boston area) so contact us at any time!
The Men in Motion Team
[…] Check out our previous blog with a Stripping Santa Video […]